Friday, October 2, 2015

The South House Files + 10.2.15

I was out of town last week so I wasn't able to pull together my Friday South House Files. But have no fear- I'm back with another round-up. Most of these finds are from my blog browsing from over a week ago so you may have already come across them. Either way- Enjoy!

+ Last week, The White Buffalo Styling Company hosted her Fall installment of "Blogger Stylin' Home Tours". It's basically all of my favorite internet people back to back. You should check it out. Lindsay also just moved into her renovated home and I'm excited to watch her decorating magic unfold. She's a good one to follow.

Vintage floral painting as headboard
Original Source Here

+Eleven Gables has a tutorial for a beautiful faux flower arrangement. Looks expensive and relatively easy! 

Original Source Here

+ I have a love/hate relationship with Anne Hathaway. I'm still not over the dress she wore for her Oscar win, but that doesn't mean I don't want to see her new movie "The Intern".  This looks to be an easy movie where I wouldn't have to think "too hard", and also the set design looks amazing. This article has great pics and talks about how the filmmaker actually made Pinterest boards for each set she was envisioning... which made everyone's job much easier. #PinterestForTheWin #SorryHaters

                                                          Original Source here

Original Source here

+ The Most Cliche Travel Instagrams of all time. Even I'm guilty of one or two of these. Haha! This one is called "The Moment of Reflection". I'm not going to lie though- I would totally do this pose if I were lucky enough to be where this girl is in the photo. #Reflect

Traveler Sitting on a Ledge
Original Travel Instagrammer

+ Another Step Back to Get Where You Need to Be. Julia Ryan speaks to me every. time. Especially her last post about admitting defeat and how you should go with your GUT in your home. (Reminds me of every house choice I make) Love her honesty and her real life posts. She's one of the first bloggers I ever followed- and there's a reason she's still in my blog feed.

 + I'm a sucker for Trendy Baby Name Lists- whether I actually take them seriously or not (mostly not). Here are 17 French Baby Names prime for an American takeover. Apparently British names are on their way out? Whatever. Still love you Prince George. 

Prince George has made the blog...

Have a great weekend!


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